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Ozone therapy casing

Context: Bandetch Medical is a small technology company dedicated to the development of solutions in the field of ozone therapy. The company has its own production division of machines, which respond to the needs of the local market.


Problem: The company had a series of machines with a plastic casing, which in some cases presented internal deterioration problems due to heat. From another point of view, the client was looking for products that could be compared with the Asian competition. Therefore, his search was focused on a product with greater volume and robustness.


Solution: A casing composed of two main parts, lower and upper, was developed. The material used was 0.4 mm thick aluminum. In addition, divisions and supports were created inside for the internal electronic system in 0.2 mm steel sheet. In parallel, the design of 3D printed parts in fire retardant materials was considered.

Digital tools used: ProEngineer, Rhino Ceros, Auto Cad, Photoshop, Illustrator, Keyshot, PowerPoint.

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